Our workshops are designed to help your team develop in key areas that contribute to growth and success.
Team Culture
Culture is created with every company value, new hire, memo, retreat, leadership event, performance review, email, and action you take. We help develop practices that create good culture and improve teamwork focusing on trust, communication, and collaboration.
Public Speaking
Every member of your team is a representative of the mission and vision. Wherever you all go and with whomever you speak, there’s a chance to win people over to your cause, whether in a lecture hall, a conference room, or an elevator. Our workshop helps your team understand and leverage key communication principles to become more effective speakers.
TIme Management
There’s never enough time to get done everything that needs to be done. So how do you begin to get organized and get more productive? What tools and systems are out there to help you? And, how might you integrate a new way of approaching work as a team to drive your mission forward?
Community Building
Let’s face it, you aren’t going to change the world alone. You need partners, collaborators, and community. Our community building workshop helps you develop a real strategy to be used by the staff, leaders and board. It ensures that everyone is on the same page and working hard to make community building and involvement a priority.